Fall Driving Tips

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The graphics and captions below are available for you to use on your social media. The resources on this page can be used to encourage drivers to focus on the road and watch out for hazards.

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Deer in front of car - PNI Logo - Agency Logo.png


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Deer in front of car - PNI Logo.png

Deer tend to travel in groups. If you see one, be watchful for others. Be extra cautious near deer crossing signs.



Autumn is breeding season for deer, and they will be more active in areas near the road, especially around dawn and dusk.


Car-wet road and leaves - PNI Logo.png

Be aware of visibility issues. Leaves make it difficult to see potholes, bumps in the road and road markings.


LeafCoveredTire-PNI Logo.png

If you are driving on a road covered in leaves, slow down. Wet leaves can be very slippery similar to driving on ice.

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