What to Do Following a Property Loss
Take steps to ensure speedy, effective management of your property damage.
By following these suggestions, you can help us deliver speedy, effective management of your claim for property damage or loss.

- Take photos or a video of all building and content damage before making any emergency repairs
- Protect your property to prevent further loss. For instance, put a tarp on the roof, do temporary building repairs, move or remove trees, and move property out of harm's way
- Preserve damaged property to prevent further damage and save it so the Penn National Insurance adjuster can see it
- Get a written estimate to repair building damages
- Make a room-by-room list of damaged property, showing quantities, ages and replacement prices
- Keep an accurate list of all additional living expenses
Keep an accurate list of the supplies you buy to do emergency repairs
If you must leave your normal residence, leave a forwarding address or phone number where your agent and claims adjuster can reach you
Download our mobile app, so you can quickly record and take photos or video of the damage.
Ask your claims representative about our electronic claims payment options so you can get your disembursement in hours, not days.
Keep an inventory of your belongings
If you make an inventory of your belongings, we'll be able to handle your claim more quickly after a loss. For starters, make categories on a sheet of paper. You might want to include electronics, furniture, appliances, hobby items, fine art, collectibles, jewelry, tools and clothing. For larger items, record serial numbers. Whenever you can, save receipts, and take photographs or make a video. Keep all these records away from your house, such as in a safe deposit box or place on a cloud service so that you can easily retrieve it. Review the list with your agent to make sure you know which items are covered by your insurance and which items might not be covered.